Should You Raise the Asking Price of Your Home?

Pricing strategies

There are several strategies homeowners can follow when setting their initial asking price. Often sellers try to undercut their competition, but there are times when it actually makes sense to list your home for a higher price.

You should feel comfortable listing your home for a higher price when your residence offers more than other listings in your area. Maybe your kitchen was recently renovated or you have more storage that sets your home apart from all the others. These features may justify an asking price that’s a bit higher than other homes in your area.

Finally, frequently check market conditions to see if they have changed since you initially listed your home. If you notice more buyers are entering the market and homes are selling quickly, raising your own asking price might be a good move.

Setting the right asking price is a challenge you’ll face when listing your home. That’s why it’s so important to work with a real estate agent who knows your market. Find a Mel Foster Co. agent who specializes in listings in your area.

Wanted: Your Home

Now is an ideal time to list your home for sale because there are many buyers, but not enough homes for sale. This means you can get a higher selling price now that the market is in the seller’s favor.

Interest rates are still low which encourages homeowners to move. More competition is always good for sellers who may be in a position to review multiple offers. Sometimes a bidding war can break out, driving the final sales price up higher than the listing price.

According to James D. Shilling from DePaul University’s Institute for Housing Studies, the seller’s market is driving home prices up higher. This helps homeowners with negative or low equity to make more money from a sale and eases the burden of being upside down on their home. This gives the seller a chance to enter the market as a buyer when interest rates are near record lows.

Shilling predicts rates will stay low through 2013 and most likely into 2014. But the interest rates won’t stay low forever. When rates do rise, homeowners won’t want to sell their homes and lock into a new, higher interest rate. This shift means fewer buyers and lower offer prices for your home.

It’s a sweet time to be a seller. Contact a Mel Foster Co. agent about listing your home and take advantage of the market conditions.


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